Luang Prabang - Weather
In Luang Prabang, the wet season is hot, oppressive, and overcast, and the dry season is warm, humid, and mostly clear. Over the year, the temperature typically varies from 57°F to 93°F and is rarely below 50°F or above 100°F. Therefore, the best time of year to visit Luang Prabang for warm-weather activities is from early November to mid-March.
Dry season
Period: October - May
Average Temperature: 19-23°C
Humidity Level: 72%
Sunshine Rate: 190 - 270 hours/month
From March to May, the temperature rises beyond 32°C every day. June is the warmest month in Luang Prabang, with an average high of 31°C and a low of 24°C.
With an average daily maximum temperature below 27°C, the chilly period lasts for over two months, from November to January. In December, Luang Prabang experiences its coldest temperatures, averaging 14°C and rising to 26°C.
Best things to do
Visit various ancient and cultural sites
Discover the two most well-known waterfalls in Laos
Cruise along the Mekong River and take photos
Visit Well Known Waterfall In The Dry Season
Wet season
Period: June - September
Average Temperature: 24-26°C
Humidity Level: 88%
Sunshine Rate: 210 - 250 hours/month
During the wet season in Luang Prabang, the temperature remains relatively constant at roughly 25°C, and the relative humidity is very high. Because of the high amount of sunshine, which can reach up to 250 hours each month, the temperature rarely drops below freezing.
Best things to do
Take your time seeing the intricate temples, as the low season brings fewer visitors.
It's also a good idea to check in the museums since those are places that the residents frequent.
Spending Time In Museums Is The Best Choice In Wet Season
Monthly Typical Temperatures in Luang Prabang
The average temperature of Luang Prabang is between 13°C and 35°C.
April and May are the hottest months, with highs of 35 °C; going during these times can save you money because there will be fewer tourists in Luang Prabang.
The lowest temperature of 13°C is recorded in December and January, making them appear to be the coldest months. But seeing the many lovely sights is a wonderful experience in itself.
The average monthly temperature and rainfall in Luang Prabang are detailed in the table below: