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Cheap Flight from Hanoi to Nha Trang

The cheapest flight ticket from Hanoi to Nha Trang is only US $19.10, the average ticket price ranges from US $30.17 - 47.19/way and the return ticket is US $60.17 - 94.38 (excluding taxes). Currently, the route Hanoi - Nha Trang is operated by 4 domestic airlines with a frequency of about 20 flights per day.


Hanoi to Nha Trang flight route

Depart Noi Bai International Airport

Arrive Cam Ranh International Airport

Distance 1084 km

Flight time 1 hour 50 minutes

Cheapest price US$35

Vietnam Airlines
Vietjet Air
Bamboo Airways
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About flight tickets from Hanoi to Nha Trang

Up to now, air tickets to Nha Trang from Hanoi are operated by 4 domestic airlines including Vietnam Airlines (7 flights), Vietjet Air (7 flights), Bamboo Airways (5 flights), and Pacific Airlines (1 flight), with about 20 flights daily.

Flight time from Hanoi to Nha Trang is about 1 hour 50 minutes to travel the distance of 1,084 km, departing from Noi Bai Airport and landing at Cam Ranh Airport.


Hanoi - Nha Trang airfares for one-way and round trip

Airfares from Hanoi to Nha Trang have the lowest price only US $21.66/way of Vietjet Air. The average fare ranges from US $30.17 - 47.19/way and US $60.34 - 94.38/round trip (excluding taxes and fees). Fares are not fixed but will change depending on a number of factors such as booking time, airline, and ticket class...

Fares for this segment usually have the highest level around June to August because this is the peak season for Nha Trang tourism. In the months of October, November, and December, Nha Trang is the rainy season, so tourism demand decreases and ticket prices may be lower than usual.

Refer to the fare table below for more details:


The lowest price (US $)

Round-trip ticket price (US $)

Vietnam Airlines



Bamboo Airways



Vietjet Air

21.66 43.32

Pacific Airlines

26.77 53.53


How to move from Cam Ranh airport to Nha Trang center

  • Address: Nguyen Tat Thanh Street, Cam Ranh Peninsula, Khanh Hoa
  • Distance from the city center: 48 km
  • Travel time: 60 minutes
  • Popular means of transport:
    • Taxi: Flexible and maneuverable vehicle chosen by a large number of passengers when traveling from Cam Ranh airport to Nha Trang city. Depending on the stop, the cost of a taxi ranges from US $10.64.
    • Bus: Bus route 18 operates on the journey between Cam Ranh airport and Nha Trang city. The ticket price is about US $0.43 - 2.13. The bus operates in the time frame 4:30 - 19:55.
    • Resort shuttle: Luxury hotels or resorts in Nha Trang will provide customers with a free airport shuttle service. You will contact the front desk for a shuttle bus from the airport to the hotel.


How to book cheap flights from Hanoi to Nha Trang

Record the following effective flight booking experiences from Hanoi to Nha Trang:

  • The period from April to August or the holidays,... Nha Trang attracts a lot of tourists, so the price of tickets tends to increase to the peak. You should arrange to buy tickets early about 1 - 3 months before the flight date.
  • Delay travel time to Nha Trang in the low season (September to December). This is the rainy season in Nha Trang, so few tourists come at this time. So you will have many opportunities to book cheap tickets.
  • Timely update the airline's incentive programs to hunt for cheap tickets to Hanoi and Nha Trang effectively. Quickly leave your email address on the airline's website or follow the media channels to capture information and actively buy tickets.
  • Choose tickets from Hanoi - Nha Trang to go early in the morning or go during the week to be sure to have a lower price than other times.

BestPrice Travel - With a team of professional and dedicated consultants, we will definitely bring you a satisfactory trip at the most economical price. Contact +84 904-979-428 for the fastest advice.


Nha Trang travel tips and experiences

Let's write down some very useful Nha Trang travel experiences with BestPrice below!

  • Nha Trang is most beautiful in July, August and September. Visitors visiting Nha Trang during this time will feel the extremely pleasant weather, enjoy the peaceful and poetic scenery in the coastal city of Nha Trang.
  • Some famous tourist attractions that are extremely attractive to tourists in Nha Trang must be mentioned: Hon Mun Island, Ponagar Tower, Nha Trang Monkey Island,...
  • Nha Trang is also known for many extremely attractive entertainment areas including: VinWonders, Yang Bay eco-tourism area, Suoi Tien tourist area, ...

Having had the opportunity to visit Nha Trang, let's explore the rich cuisine here through some specialities such as: grilled spring rolls, apricot fish salad, wet cakes, jellyfish noodles, ...

In your Nha Trang travel luggage, you need to prepare full identification documents, clothes, shoes, cash,... Don't forget to bring a little medicine, and medical supplies to use in essential cases. Enjoy your trip!

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