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Allied War Memorial

After the Second World War, many Southeast Asian countries in general and Myanmar in particular all became a fierce battlefield. After winning, the Allies built war memorials all over the world and in Myanmar, it is the Htauk Kyant monument. Htauk Kyant Monument is currently one of the historical tourist attractions of the most significant importance in Myanmar. This place does not

Allied War Memorial

Allied War Memorial


Htauk Kyant Memorial is located in Mingaladon town 32km from central Yangon. Tourists can visit this place while enjoying their Yangon trip or on their journey to explore Bagon. After the initial victories of the Second World War, when the British were repelled from most of the territory, the Allies countered and regained Myanmar territory. After the war ended in 1951, the Allies built the Htauk Kyant memorial to commemorate those who sacrificed in the war. In addition to the Htauk Kyant monument, there are two other memorials in Myanmar, Thanbyuzayat and Yangon. Htauk Kyant Memorial is now the resting place of 27,000 soldiers who passed away in the war. The graves of the soldiers at the Htauk Kyant memorial are arranged neatly and beautifully. On the steles at the tombs, the names, ranks, hometowns, birth and death dates of the soldiers are clearly stated. The surroundings are decorated with evergreen grass and fresh flowers that are carefully cut and pruned.

  Htauk Kyant Memorial

 Htauk Kyant Memorial


For those who have not had the grave, people also put their names on the high pillars. Relatives of soldiers who had been in war in Myanmar often visit the Htauk Kyant memorial, where they know their relatives are cared for and extremely respected. Although they fought for both fronts, the Burmese did not carry hatred in their hearts. The graves of Japanese, Myanmar soldiers or the Allies are equally cared and preserved, without any discrimination. With compassion and love for peace, the Burmese have kept the graves of soldiers from all over the world lost in dense forests, roadside and they are all gathered at the cemetery at Htauk Kyant Memorial. Today when visiting the Htauk Kyant Monument, tourists will be surprised that it is covered with the green shade of the grass and the vibrant colors of the flowers. After walking around and commemorating the lost soldiers, visitors can learn more about the history of the place through the friendly tour guides. Historical stories will help visitors better understand the war to forever treasure the love and peace we have today.

When traveling to Myanmar, it would be regrettable if tourists did not visit Htauk Kyant Cemetery to hear more about the war story in this peaceful country. Tourists should bring along protective hats when visiting this site.

Allied War Memorial Map

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