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Am Tich Islet

Am Tich Islet is in the area of Bai Tu Long Bay, on the way to Quan Lan - Ngoc Vung. Am Tich is an islet located very close in the system of the archipelago of Ha Long Bay, it contributes to create a wonderful attraction on the sea that brings many different feelings when tourists come to Ha Long Bay.

Am Tich Islet

Am Tich Islet

Am Tich Islet is a small island that looks like a tea pot, a popular item in traditional Vietnamese family. In Vietnamese, the meaning of “Am Tich” is a tea pot., so it is the reason why it has this name. In legend, It was the losing strap Tea Pot of Jade Emperor accidentally, which fell into Ha Long Beach a long time ago. Am Tich Islet has been existed and preserved until now, if tourists have chance to visit Halong Bay, do not forget to admire Am Lich Islet!

Am Tich Islet Map

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