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Weather & Temperature in Hanoi with Forecast

Hanoi has a typical tropical climate of northern Vietnam. There are two disctintive seasons including dry season (from November to April) and wet season (from May to October). Let's learn about Hanoi weather to choose the best time to visit the city and enjoy your Hanoi trip to the fulfillment. 

Hanoi weather is a mild, tropical climate typical of northern Vietnam with 2 main seasons:

  • Dry season: affected by the northeast monsoon months from November to April.
  • Wet season: affected by the southwest monsoon months from May to October.

The hottest months fall between June and August, while the coldest months range from December to February.

Hanoi Weather

Spring: Humid & Drizzly

  • Period: Mar - May
  • Average Temperature: 24°C
  • Humidity Level: 81%
  • Cloud Cover: 53%

Spring is the first season of the year having a humid atmosphere with light sunshine and small rains.

The drizzles in this season suddenly come, then suddenly leave, making souls want to mingle with nature.

Poetic Hoan Kiem Lake in the spring

Poetic Hoan Kiem Lake in the spring

  • Visit famous attractions with natural scenery as the weather is ideal for various kinds of flowers to bloom.
  • Explore the Hanoi Old Quarter on foot/by motorbike to enjoy the fresh air.
  • Savor a cup of hot coffee on the cafe’s terrace and view the bustle of local life.


Summer: Hot & Rainy

  • Period: Jun - Aug
  • Average Temperature: 30°C
  • Humidity Level: 79%
  • Cloud Cover: 90%

People say that Hanoi summer is the hottest season of the year.

With the above-high temperature, it seems people just want to stay indoors with air-conditioners instead of going out. But, this is really the tourist season.

In summer, the best time to go out is at night because the temperature of summer night often reduces to 30°C.

Take photos with gorgeous lotus blossoms on West Lake

Take photos with gorgeous lotus blossoms on West Lake

  • Sit on the pavement at Ta Hien street to enjoy iced tea/cold beer in the evening.
  • Witness the stunning view of lotuses blooming at West Lake.
  • Remember to bring a raincoat/umbrella due to the sudden heavy rain.


Autumn: Cool & Pleasant

  • Period: Sep - Nov
  • Average Temperature: 25°C
  • Humidity Level: 76%
  • Cloud Cover: 54%

Hanoi fall seems to be the most beautiful and romantic season of the year.

The weather is delightful with bright sunlight and some soft autumn breeze, bringing a pleasant and serene atmosphere.

Milk flowers with passionate scent in Hanoi Old Quarter

Milk flowers with a passionate scent in Hanoi Old Quarter


  • Wander around every nook and cranny to see the leaves change color and enjoy the sweet fragrance of milk flowers.
  • Taste the most unique specialty in Hanoi autumn - Com (Green Sticky Rice).


Winter: Freezing & Misty

  • Period: Dec - Feb
  • Average Temperature: 17°C
  • Humidity Level: 78%
  • Cloud Cover: 32%

It is getting cold in Hanoi's winter due to the low temperature.

The temperature may drop below 10 degrees, and the high humidity contributes to the weather being extremely cold.

Visitors who like cold weather shouldn’t miss this special occasion. In winter, the sky is covered with white mist, and the weather becomes wetter.

Saint Joseph Cathedral with colorful decorations on Christmas day

Saint Joseph Cathedral with colorful decorations on Christmas day


  • Don’t forget to bring warm clothes such as sweaters, scarves, and gloves.
  • You should come back to the hotel soon before 10 p.m because it is getting colder at night.
  • Try the most famous dish in Vietnam - Pho (Hot Noodle Soup) with a cup of egg coffee to warm up.


In general, the four seasons of Hanoi have their own beauty, so the ideal time for visiting the capital of Vietnam depends on your favorite.

But if anyone wonders about the best time they should travel to Hanoi, locals who have lived in Hanoi for a long time will say that they are Spring and Autumn.

Based on the temperature, we can divide Hanoi weather into three distinct periods below:

Hot season Duration: 5 months (May - Sep)
Average temperature: 31°C
Hottest month: June (38°C)
Cold season Duration: 5 months (Nov - Mar)
Average temperature: 18°C
Coldest month: January (13°C)
Transitional period Duration: 2 months (Oct & Apr)
Average temperature: 24°C
Feature: Cool & Pleasant


Hanoi Monthly Temperature & Rainfall Averages

In general, Hanoi's temperatures vary from 13°C to 38°C throughout the year.

Though June is the hottest month with a maximum temperature of up to 38°C, this month is a good chance to try various tropical fruits of Vietnam.

January is evaluated as the coldest month due to the lowest temperature of 13°C, but it is the perfect time to see beautiful views as well as many kinds of flowers.

The temperature & average rainfall each month in Hanoi is in the table below: