Tra Que Village
Tra Que is one of the villages that is very attractive with the travelers recently.
If you are visiting Hoi An and looking for an experience tour to locals’ farming gardens, then coming to Tra Que Village will be a good choice of yours. Situating between De Vong river and Tra Que alga pond, the village has become a famous tourist attraction thanks to the unique experience Tra Que brings about.
Main road to Tra Que Village
Tra Que Village is named after a kind of sweet scented herb which is used to spice up many Hoi An locals’ dishes. Located only 3km to the North of Hoi An Ancient town, Tra Que has long been famous for its variety of home grown vegetables such as lettuce, salad, basil, houttuynia, flagrant knoutwed and coriander vegetables, etc. Even Hoi An itself has gained part of their fame thanks to the traditional specialties made from these vegetables. Thanks to blessed condition of rich soil and water, the locals earn living mostly from farming.
Wandering around Tra Que Village, tourists are not only exposed to the tranquil atmosphere, but only get a chance to explore locals’ cultural lifestyle. Travelers are usually interested in watching or even joining locals’ farming procedures, consisting of: ground raking, sowing, watering, harvesting and many other activities which you hardly find in modern cities. Tra Que villagers don’t use chemical fertilizers, they nurture their farm with a kind of algae found only in a lagoon in Tra Que village instead, which results in Tra Que herbs and veggies being well-known for quality, safety and especially outstanding taste.
Tra Que vegestable gardenTourists experience being a farmer
Surrounded by beautiful gardens of mixed beds of vegetables and flowers, the road around Tra Que Village is something you should spare time for a bicycle tour. Then lunch time would call you to stop at friendly locals’ families, where serve tourists with spectacular food of Hoi An such cao lau Quang noodles, banh xeo, etc. After a wandering tour, some tourists often preferred joining the locals’ cooking classes, which are often included in a full-day tour to Tra Que village. It is a good idea to join a full tour trip to enjoy both eco trip and cooking experience in such a special place.
The local farmer working in Tra Que Herb Garden
Tra Que Village is located in the route from Da Nang to Hoi An town, so it’s pretty easy arrive here from Da Nang or Hoi An. You can travel by bike, taxi or motorbike for the most convenience. Travelers can always prefer to popular travel agencies found in Hoi An or Da Nang center to book a combined trip of both Hoi An ancient town and Cam Thanh Coconut Village.
Trip that visit Tra Que Village