Cheap Flight from Nha Trang to Hanoi

Up to date, flight tickets from Nha Trang to Hanoi are open for sale with the lowest price of US $17.4, with an average of US $26.8 - US $48.5/way (excluding taxes and fees).

The route Nha Trang - Hanoi is operated by 4 domestic airlines including Vietnam Airlines, Vietjet Air, Pacific Airlines, and Bamboo Airways with about 10 flights per day.


Nha Trang to Hanoi flight route

Depart Cam Ranh International Airport

Arrive Noi Bai International Airport

Distance 1084 km

Flight time 1 hour 50 minutes

Cheapest price US$31

Vietnam Airlines
Vietjet Air
Bamboo Airways
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About flight tickets from Nha Trang to Hanoi

Currently, there are four airlines operating air tickets to Hanoi from Nha Trang with a frequency of about 10 flights/day, and all days of the week.

Nha Trang - Hanoi domestic flights will take off at Cam Ranh Airport and land at Noi Bai Airport, with a flight distance of about 1,048 km and an estimated flying time of 1 hour 50 minutes.


Flight ticket for one way and round trip

Airfares from Nha Trang to Hanoi are the lowest from US $18.18 of Bamboo Airways in September. The average fare ranges from US $26.7 to 48.5/way and round trip tickets range from US $53.5 - 96.9/way (taxes excluded).

Usually, fares will be lowest in the low tourist months (December, January, and February). In the period from August to November, the ticket price will be very high due to the strong increase in tourism demand in Hanoi.

For more information, please refer to the price list of flight tickets below:


The lowest price/one-way (US $) The lowest price/round-trip (US $)

Vietnam Airlines

26.8 53.6

Bamboo Airways

17.2 38.2

Vietjet Air

26.6 43.3

Pacific Airlines

32.3 64.6


Transfer between the airport and the city center

To Cam Ranh airport

  • Address: Nguyen Tat Thanh street, Cam Ranh peninsula, Khanh Hoa province.
  • Distance from the city center: 48 km
  • Travel time: 60 minutes
  • Popular means of transport:
    • Taxi: The cost is about US $14.9 - 17.1. With a fairly long distance, this is a quite reasonable and convenient means of transportation.
    • Bus: You can take the Dat Moi bus to Cam Ranh airport from Nha Trang city center. The ticket price is about US $2.2.
    • Hotel/resort shuttle: Many accommodations in Nha Trang have an airport shuttle, so you can contact the front desk for assistance.

Cam Ranh International Airport

Choose one of 3 best ways to transfer from Nha Trang city to Cam Ranh airport

To Noi Bai airport

  • Address: Phu Minh commune, Soc Son district, Hanoi
  • Distance from the city center: 30 km
  • Travel time: 40 minutes
  • Popular means of transport:
    • Bus: The bus routes between the airport and the city center include 07, 17, 68, 86, 90,... You should choose which bus route is closest to your destination. The ticket price is about US $1.06 - 1.7/person/way.
    • Taxi: It can be considered the most popular form of transportation for passengers traveling from the airport to the center. The cost of each trip is about US $10.6 - 17.1.
    • Airline minibus: Currently, Vietnam Airlines, Vietjet Air, and Vietravel Airlines are deploying this service, the fare is about US $1.7/person/way.

Hanoi Airport taxi transfer

It takes you 40 minutes to transfer between Hanoi city to Noi Bai airport


Book cheap tickets from Nha Trang to Hanoi

Immediately write down the helpful tips that BestPrice shares below to book cheap flights from Nha Trang to Hanoi effectively:

  • The number of visitors to Hanoi from Nha Trang often increases during peak tourist occasions as well as Tet holidays. Therefore, if you plan to travel to Hanoi on those occasions, you should consider booking tickets for the Nha Trang - Hanoi route at least 1 - 3 months before the flight date.
  • Choose flights to Hanoi to fly in the morning. Early or late at night, it will be cheaper than the beautiful flight hours of the day.
  • If you can arrange the time, fly on weekdays to get better rates than on weekends.
  • Choosing the time to go to Hanoi in the rainy season or winter, when there are few tourists, is also a way to help you easily book cheap tickets.
  • Contact to book cheap flight tickets right at BestPrice Travel Company. With the smart booking engine, you will quickly compare the fares for each day of the month of all airlines. From there, you can choose the cheapest flight date and proceed to book tickets.


Travel experiences when coming to Hanoi

To make the trip to the capital from Nha Trang go smoothly, please refer to some useful experiences compiled by BestPrice right below!

  • Hanoi in August and November has extremely beautiful weather with fresh and cool air. This is the most beautiful time of the year that tourists often choose to visit.
  • Huong Pagoda, Tram Mountain, Ba Vi National Park,... are famous tourist attractions in Hanoi.
  • Some attractive entertainment areas include Sun Park, Hanoi Creative City, and Aeon Mall Long Bien,...
  • Hanoi is famous for many delicious and attractive dishes such as Hanoi pho, Bun dau mam tom, Sticky rice,...
  • Before departure, you need to prepare your luggage carefully and carefully. In particular, you should prepare clothes according to the weather in Hanoi to ensure the best health protection.

Hanoi street food

Try the best street food in Hanoi

BestPrice Travel - With a team of professional and dedicated staff; a secure and convenient payment system; and many attractive offers, we confidently support you to book the best ticket!

Contact +84 904-979-428 for BestPrice Travel advice and support to book travel services to Hanoi right away.

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